Distance continued..

Saturday, March 20, 2010
Distance in a Relationship

Sitting next to them and still feeling lonely
Keeping them in your heart and at the same time feeling empty

Telling them everything but still forced to keep sumthin to urself

Showing Love(& care) and in turn be dismayed
Then trying so hard to hate them

thinking 10 times before saying 10 words
When misunderstandings and altercations become a part of the day

when expectations are unexpectedly put down everytime
Then compromise seems to be the only option

When the happiness of their presence is overshadowed by disappointment of their behaviour
Losing all hope in them,but still loving them with all your Heart!

Asking yourself-Why they came into your life?

Every moment Wishing that- This
DISTANCE never existed..
distance Never existed..!


  1. Oh, distances....... what can I say! I wish there wasn't any......but then its good too!

  1. Dhruv.. said...:

    You know.. I've been through exactly this (like most of your posts :P) and.. ended up regretting..

    'This distance Never existed..!'

    Despite.. we expect.. that dices will fall in place some day.. I guess.. 'Love' !

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