
Monday, May 24, 2010
There are these times, when the heart cannot stop smiling.. you maybe doing something you enjoy,eating at your favourite joint or spending a moment with a loved one..

these are the times that we want to just hold onto...! And when its been a loong time since we have had any such moments we wait for them...!
When do we miss them more- just after they end.. or when its been loong since they occurred....!
Do i miss you more just after you leave or when we have not met for long.......


  1. Times of bliss recollected! :)

  1. May be when u are living the moment dont think about how you will miss it...but live it in such a way that u will love to miss it!!

  1. Dhruv.. said...:

    Somethings you hold on to.. some you just let go.. seems like the ones you can't have.. are the ones you need the most !

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