Just to see if "you" are worth holdin onto

Saturday, April 24, 2010
Let go..! sometimes thats all you can do..! Sometimes thats exactly what you must do..! when the "me" is tired of being "me"..tired of hoping everyday that "you" would be mine! just let go..! If nothing else to see if it is worth holding onto..!
"you" will come back if it deserves someone like "me"..
and then "me" will have reasons enough to hold tight..!


  1. Dhruv.. said...:

    "me".. shouldn't put "you" through a test.. 'cause if "you" has genuine feelings for "me".. it would break him/her..

    and if "me" gives some time to their relationship.. he/she will exactly come to know as to where "you" stands ! And this way.. "me" doesn't lose the one who might be worth holding onto !

  1. Unknown said...:

    if "you" has been testing "me"'s patience for so long.. "me" is left with very few reasons to hold on except the famous "love"...
    also if "you" cannot give importance to "me" without getting some.. then "you" is not really worth holdin onto!!

  1. Dhruv.. said...:

    "me" already the answer then !

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